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Subscapularis Muscle Origin And Insertion

Action medially rotates arm and stabilizes shoulder joint. Lesser tubercle of humerus actions. Subscapularis Muscle Wikipedia Subscapularis is a triangular shoulder muscle located in the subscapular fossa of scapula attaching between the scapula and the proximal humerus it is one of the four mu…

Subscapularis Origin And Insertion

Lying posterolateral to the thoracic cage it starts as a wide muscle whose medial two thirds originate from the subscapular fossa of scapula and from several tendinous intramuscular septa at the ridges of the fossa. Origin medial two thirds of subscapular fossa. Subscapularis Muscle Wikipedia M…

Lateral Border Of Scapula

Acromion process is a forward projection from the lateral end of spine. The medial inner border of the affected shoulder blade will appear more prominent than the one on the opposite side. U1 S2 Superficial Back And Shoulder Flashcards Quizlet That pain along the inside or medial border of the …